“What is life?” It is said that our body is made up of nearly 60 trillion cells. A new exhibition of Bio Art, which utilizes tissue engineering to create a new organization and incorporates the blueprint of life, DNA, into works of art, is coming to the Knowledge Capital.
“A cultured and living art work composed of cells” “A project to implant human genes into a tree” Artists who pursue artistic inquiry into new ideas of life through research in life science are emerging all over the world. The artists are exploring human beings as complicated life systems, in hybrid views combining art and science.
HYBRID – Living in Paradox: Explorations in Art x Life Science introduces two artists.One is Oron Catts, who is a director of SymbioticA, a well-known international center of bio art. The other is BCL, who is exploring the social impact of bio-technologies like genetic modification. Through the exhibition and special programs such as talk sessions and a workshop, we will discuss “what is life” with the participants.