Urban population growth has become a global issue. A similar trend has been brought about by the Digital Revolution, which processes and captures human activities in vast amounts of Big Data. In the cities, people are constantly producing data via tweets, web search engines and ATM transactions. When we talk about the narrative of a city with voluminous amounts of complex and entangled data, the creation of a narrative tale requires the skillful art of reduction.
Currently, we live amongst massive matter. Why do we feel empathy towards a specific object out of the huge amount of objects around us? When expressing a narrative of this feeling, we engage in a subtle process to find a simple order that resolves the complexity and the imagination in order to create a new world with Mitate the Japanese technique of poetic interpretation that creates new meaning.
The exhibition will show work by Carlo Ratti, director of the research group MIT SENSEable City Lab that explores ways to visualize new narratives of SENSEable cities and plaplax, an artist collective known for poetic and intuitive interactive art between human and nature.
This event, which includes an exhibition, talk sessions and workshops, will discuss Simplicity in an age of complexity.