There were a total of 172 entries from 55 schools in Japan and 121 entries from 12 other countries. From among the many entries 26 talented young people were selected as award winners. Please enjoy viewing their impressively creative efforts.
Grand Prize
17 Tours
Ms. Jasmijn Cedee (Belgium)
KASK School of Arts Hogent
Thanks to the jury, knowledge capital and ISCA for honoring “17 Tours” with the grand prize. The festival was very professional and innovating and took really good care of all the invitees. It was a great adventure visiting Japan. I wish to come back soon.
1st Prize
Mr. Hugo Caby (France)
Pole 3D
We are honoured to have been awarded for our work, this encourages us to keep progressing for even better outcomes. It was an extremely enriching experience to have had feedbacks and discussions with all ISCA 2018 members, and to expose our film around the world.
1st Prize
Floating Field
Ms. Wu, Yi-Hsien (Taiwan)
Shih Chien University
I’m delighted to have been able to participate in ISCA 2018 and my work was able to be screened in Osaka. and for my work to have been chosen from among the many entries. This surprised me. This experience is very special in my life. Thanks to everyone in my life.
2nd Prize
did you know?
Ms. Lynn Kim (United States)
The Ohio State University
I am incredibly honored to have been invited to ISCA and to have won a 2nd place prize! This was an amazing and unique opportunity, and I was so fortunate to have met such amazing filmmakers, artists, and staff. The work in both international and domestic categories was inspiring, and I enjoyed seeing the diversity of themes, mediums, and concepts. The artist and judge panels were also a great and educational addition, and it was truly a pleasure to be part of such an event!
2nd Prize
The Last Memory
Mr. Lo Yueh (Taiwan)
Kainan University
Many thanks to ISCA2018 for giving me this affirmation. Participated in this event is a very impressive experience, and I am really happy to meet friends from all over the world. The Last Memory is a movie about early-onset Alzheimer's disease and love. I hope everyone cares more about the people around us. Movie is my life and I will continue to move forward towards the movie dream. Thank you so much!
2nd Prize
Data Decay
Mr. Tynan Humphrey (United States)
School of Visual Arts
Thanks to ISCA for honoring me with this award. The event was inspiring and I enjoyed meeting all the great talent that congregated there.
Grand Prize
Tashikas Strange Adventure
Nao Sakamoto
Airi Sato
Tokyo Zokei University
We put a great amount of effort into this work during our final year at university;
it’s a very emotional reminder of my time as a student.
I’m truly thankful for being given the opportunity for so many people to see it. (Sato)
I’m completely surprised. I never imagined that I would be awarded the grand prize.
But I’m even happier that so many people enjoyed seeing something that we had so much fun making.
Thank you very much for this. (Sakamoto)
1st Prize
Nanami Suzuki
Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences

Thank you for this wonderful award. I am so happy that so many people are able to see my work. I hope that it gives someone inspiration to begin something. Thank you for a wonderful time and experience.
1st Prize
Kodai Kuroda
Ritsumeikan University
Thank you so much for screening my work at ISCA 2018. Having so many people view it has made me truly happy. I plan to keep having fun continuing to make movies.
Matsumoto Toshio Prize
Lyota Takahashi
Tohoku University of Art and Design
This is a work that is given significance when it is seen by many people, so to receive this award makes me tremendously happy. As the content and expressions are that of a minority, there were so many barriers, but I am glad that I believed in myself and continued to work on it. I hope that this work serves to help some people, even if it is only a few. Thank you!
2nd Prize
Battle for A Sunny Day
Syuhei Fujii
Tokyo Zokei University
I made Battle for A Sunny Day as my university graduation project; however, I was unable to find any opportunities to have it screened outside of school, so to have so many people view it here makes me extremely happy!
I’m going to keep persevering under the motto of making movies to entertain people.
2nd Prize
Kazuma Nakaichi
Kyoto Seika University
I never dreamed that I would be nominated or win an award at ISCA, so I am very happy to receive the 2nd prize.
I received the thoughts and impressions of many people from a variety of viewpoints, so this was a very valuable experience for me.
I hope to keep making movies in some form in the future, so I would love for you all to watch them.
2nd Prize
Ray’s Forgotten Hat
Reimi Arakaki
Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts
To receive an amazing award like this makes me so happy.
This experience has made me want to strive everyday to make works that can warm someone’s heart a little.
I would like to express my thanks to everyone at the ISCA who set up this event, all the friends and teachers around me when I was making this, and everyone who watched it.
Thank you.
3rd Prize
The rumor of Hamasyuku Coast
Maho Kakizaki
Nihon University College of Art
I am truly happy to receive this award. I would like to express my deepest thanks to the teachers, my friends, and my mother, who all supported me. In addition, I have to give my heartfelt thanks to everyone at the ISCA who gave me this opportunity. Thank you.
With so many digital works receiving prizes, having my analog work standing all alone made me think so many things. This experience makes me want to do my absolute best in future productions.
3rd Prize
Reiya Hashimoto
HAL Osaka
Thank you so much for nominating our work.
I applied to the ISCA in the past to enter another work but was not selected, which was a rough experience.
I am so thankful that my final work as a student was recognized.
Although the award carries my name, it is the result of a great deal of assistance from members overcoming together the difficulties in making my work. I thank those members sincerely.
3rd Prize
WASABI MELON /Shigeaki Takashiro
HAL Osaka
I am so proud to have my work selected alongside so many other wonderful ones. I poured my current abilities into this for 4 months to create it, hoping to produce something that utilized what I had learnt through my time as a student. I am truly happy to have my work recognized by other people at this kind of event, and feel that I still have so much room for improvement. Thank you to my teachers, mentors, and friends, not to mention my family, who have all given me their support. I’m going to work hard during my remaining time as a student to create new content.
Grand Prize
Yubi Tone (Ubiquitous - Tone)
Eitaro Yamatsuta
Osaka University
It is an honor to receive this award. Mixing with so many amazing creators of the same generation has given me incredible motivation.
In my normal work in research, I rarely have the experience of finishing a piece of work and “closing” a project; I feel that this award is an acknowledgment that includes potential for the future.
For the works (particularly video works) of others, it has been exceedingly important for them to be “closed” so they can stand as finished products that have created a world. I too am going to work hard with the goal of making content that will change the world, so I hope that I will continue to receive your support.
1st Prize
Rina Katsube
University of Tsukuba
Thank you so much for this phenomenal award. After having my work presented at a location as stylish and beautiful as Grand Front Osaka, and then to be told by the judges that the quality of a person can be felt through that person’s work, I really feel that Osaka is a truly amazing place. I’ve taken the feedback from everyone at this event to heart, and I will give my best effort when making content in the future.
1st Prize
Akihiro Kato
Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences
Thank you for this terrific award as well as the great opportunity to discuss these works with so many people through this event. I also sincerely thank everyone that gave me their support when I was making this content. I am not going to rest on my laurels after receiving this recognition; my intent is to continue updating this work in the future. Thank you very much.
Knowledge Capital Prize
Clock - The Busy Days
Takafumi Takekawa,Takamitu Hasekura,Tubasa Terachi,Haruna Furusato,Kazunari Hosoi
The University of Electro - Communications
It is a great honor to receive this amazing award.Due to being a dance performance, a lot of hard work went into the performance and show, but I am pleased that it proved to be worth it.Receiving a variety of opinions from the judges and general watchers has been a great learning experience.Being able to interact with creators of the same generation has been great motivation.I will use the knowledge that I have gained here in future research and content creation.
2nd Prize
Shunya Iketani,Daisuke Shibata,Keisuke Ota,Naoki Matsuo,Kazuma Mikami,Yuki Murata,Yudai Okamoto,Rin Takagi
Kwansei Gakuin University
Thank you for this wonderful award. We are so happy for our work to be recognized like this. So many people shared their personal experience with us, and gave us advice and praise. In addition, we have gained a huge amount of motivation and knowledge thanks to interacting with the creators of the same generation as well as the judges. We plan to capitalize on this valuable experience and apply ourselves to future productions and research. Thank you.
3rd Prize
media design lab.
Josai International University
I am so happy to have been given this invaluable opportunity. My work is quite eclectic, so I’m very pleased that it has received such a variety of reactions from the judges, corporations, and general viewers. Those numerous opinions have taught me a lot, and have created space for me to reflect on things. I want to utilize this precious experience in the future and work hard. Thank you so much.
3rd Prize
Hiroto Chujo
Kyoto Sangyo University
Thank you for this priceless opportunity.
ISCA has shown me things that I previously could not see and has expanded my horizons.
Furthermore, being able to view the works of these other students has been extremely informative.
This production has provided many points for reflection, and I intend to apply this opportunity so that I can succeed in the future.
Thank you so much.
3rd Prize
Glow World
World of Light
I am overjoyed to get this result.
As I have been able to receive many opinions that are completely different from what I would get at an ordinary game expo, it has been extremely informative.
There were many opinions around sensory parts such as concept and quality of feel, which were particularly interesting.
As we have never had an experience like this before at game contests, we want to utilize it as we create games in the future.
3rd Prize
Five elements & Myth
Megumi Takakura
Kobe Design University Graduate School
I am so, so happy for my work to be received like this. It is an honor. The fact that I have received such an award is thanks to the enthusiastic guidance of my teachers, and my friends who helped me create it. I wish to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to those who supported me.
3rd Prize
Thank you so much for this reception.
Casha-Line is an original concept and there were many difficulties making it, so to have so many people actually experience it, enjoy it and say that it was interesting is tremendously touching.
When I look at it, I think that there are parts of this game that are difficult to understand and enjoy, so I will strive to make something that is intuitive and easy to understand next time.
Prizes | Title | The name of student | Country | School |
Grand Prize | 17 Tours | Jasmijn Cedee | Belgium | KASK School of Arts Hogent |
1st Prize | Sound | Hugo Caby | France | Pole 3D |
1st Prize | Floating Field | Wu, Yi-Hsien | Taiwan | Shih Chien University |
2nd Prize | did you know? | Lynn Kim | United States | The Ohio State University |
2nd Prize | The Last Memory | Lo Yueh | Taiwan | Kainan University |
2nd Prize | Data Decay | Tynan Humphrey | United States | School of Visual Arts |
Prizes | Title | The name of student | School |
Grand Prize | Tashikas Strange Adventure | Nao Sakamoto Airi Sato |
Tokyo Zokei University |
1st Prize | Grandma&SMON | Nanami Suzuki | Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences |
1st Prize | A PACIFIER | Kodai Kuroda | Ritsumeikan University |
Matsumoto Toshio Prize | Anywhere. | Lyota Takahashi | Tohoku University of Art and Design |
2nd Prize | Battle for A Sunny Day | Syuhei Fujii | Tokyo Zokei University |
2nd Prize | INTERFERENCE | Kazuma Nakaichi | Kyoto Seika University |
2nd Prize | Ray’s Forgotten Hat | Reimi Arakaki | Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts |
3rd Prize | The rumor of Hamasyuku Coast | Maho Kakizaki | Nihon University College of Art |
3rd Prize | LOVE MONSTER | Reiya Hashimoto | HAL Osaka |
3rd Prize | ONCE AGAIN | WASABI MELON /Shigeaki Takashiro | HAL Osaka |
Prizes | Title | The name of student | School |
Grand Prize | Yubi Tone (Ubiquitous - Tone) | Eitaro Yamatsuta | Osaka University |
1st Prize | engawa | Rina Katsube | University of Tsukuba |
1st Prize | TRUSTLESS LIFE | Akihiro Kato | Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences |
Knowledge Capital Prize | Clock - The Busy Days | Takafumi Takekawa Takamitu Hasekura Tubasa Terachi Haruna Furusato Kazunari Hosoi |
The University of Electro - Communications |
2nd Prize | I AM MAN | Shunya Iketani Daisuke Shibata Keisuke Ota Naoki Matsuo Kazuma Mikami Yuki Murata Yudai Okamoto Rin Takagi |
Kwansei Gakuin University |
3rd Prize | surface | media design lab. | Josai International University |
3rd Prize | IMA O TUKURU | Hiroto Chujo | Kyoto Sangyo University |
3rd Prize | Glow World | World of Light | ECC COLLEGE OF COMPUTER AND MULTIMEDIA |
3rd Prize | Five elements & Myth | Megumi Takakura | Kobe Design University Graduate School |