The prize announcements and screening of ten videos took place.
They were selected among 236 works from 54 schools in Japan.
The winners of the video content appeared on stage and made speeches on their works.
At the same time, the winners of the digital content exhibited their works for two days
and many visitors appreciated and ‘experienced’ them.
After finishing the program, the ‘ISCA 100 people Networking Event’ was conducted.
The participants amounted to 103, including the winners, universities, judges, companies,
local governments who support young creators, as well as business associations.
This event provided a new meeting place for all.

The prize announcements and screening of the overseas winners who were selected among 708 works
from 78 countries took place online.
All winners and judges participated online in real time.
One of the winners expressed gratitude for the award over the phone
because he was in a place where the Internet connection was unstable.
There was then a public discussion by Kiyoshi Izumi, the owner of ‘SOMA’ and Naohiro Ukawa one of the judges.
‘SOMA’ is a ‘spiced’ curry restaurant, broadcasted on ‘Jonetsu Tairiku’ (literally, a continent of passion), a TV program.
After the discussion, Kiyoshi Izumi performed using sounds while cooking curry
and then offered the curry to the first 50 people to arrive.
The last ISCA2022 program was a talk by Yujun Wakashin, whose hot topic is ‘JK (Joshi Kosei: literally, a high school girl) Division, Sabae City Hall.’ his wide variety of projects focused on ‘creativity’ and his talk was very stimulating.

The next ISCA2023 will take place on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 December 2023 at Knowledge Theatre,
Knowledge Capital, Grand Front Osaka. Look forward to it!