Award Ceremony Dates
20 and 21 January 2023
EVENT Lab., Knowledge Capital, North Building of Grand Front Osaka (3-1, Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0011, Japan)
Award Categories
- Domestic Video Content Category
- International Video Content Category
- Digital Content Category (Japan Domestic Only)
Knowledge Capital Association
Supporters (*in alphabetical order)
Asia Culture Institute (Korea) / Association of Media in Digital / Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria) /
Centre des arts (Enghien-les-Bains, France) / Cyber Kansai Project / Cyberport (Hong Kong) /
Digital Content Association of Japan / Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences (JASIAS) /
Kansai Association of Corporate Executives / Kansai Economic Federation / KANSAI・OSAKA 21st Century Association /
Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry /
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications /
Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Osaka City / Osaka Digital Contents Industry Promotion Council /
Osaka Prefectural Government / Smart City Consortium (Hong Kong) / Taiwan Design Research Institute (Taiwan) /
Tokyo BizCenter / Urban Renaissance Agency / Visual Industry Promotion Organization
Technical Support (*in alphabetical order)
Cyber Kansai Project /
Nissha Printing Communications, Inc.
Suntory Holdings Limited
Partners (*in alphabetical order)
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Planning & Production
Superstation, Inc.
ISCA Supporters Club (*in alphabetical order)