Award Ceremony Date
Friday December 4th, 2020 ・
Saturday December 5th, 2020
Domestic Video Content Category
International Video Content Category
Digital Content Category (Japan Domestic Only)
[ Domestic Video Content Category ]
The chief Judge
Naohiro Ukawa
Contemporary Artist / Founder of DOMMUNE
Shuzo John Shiota
President and CEO of Polygon Pictures Inc.
Animation director / illustrator & comic artist
Yukiko Tasaki
Producer of Superstation, Inc.
Toyonori Takahashi
Director of Knowledge Capital Association
[ International Video Content Category ]
The chief Judge
Cynthia Beth Rubin
New media artist, C B Rubin Studio /
SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Art Committee
Gerfried Stocker
Managing and Artistic Director of Ars Electronica
Pat Lee
Co Founder : Partner of TOY GENIUS Ltd. / Founder : Partner of INTERFERENCE International Ltd.
[ Digital Content Category ](Japan Domestic Only)
The chief Judge
Michitaka Hirose
Project Researchar of The University of Tokyo
Satoshi Endo
Research Laboratories, Inc.Senior Research Fellow
Ei Wada
Artist /
Shiho Fukuhara
Artist / Researcher / Developer
- Naohiro Ukawa (Contemporary Artist / Founder of DOMMUNE, Professor of Kyoto University of Art and Design)
- Shuzo John Shiota (President and CEO of Polygon Pictures Inc.)
- Cynthia Beth Rubin (New media artist, C B Rubin Studio / SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Art Committee)
- Pat Lee (Co Founder : Partner of TOY GENIUS Ltd. / Founder : Partner of INTERFERENCE International Ltd. )
- Gerfried Stocker (Managing and Artistic Director of Ars Electronica)
- Ryo Hirano (Animation director / illustrator & comic artist)
- Yukiko Tasaki (Producer of Superstation, Inc.)
- Toyonori Takahashi (Director of Knowledge Capital Association)
Sponsored by
Knowledge Capital Association
Support provided by
Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences (JASIAS) / Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / Urban Renaissance Agency / Association of Media in Digital / Digital Content Association of Japan / Osaka Prefectural Government / Osaka City / Osaka Digital Contents Industry Promotion Council / Visual Industry Promotion Organization / Kansai Economic Federation / Kansai Association of Corporate Executives / Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry / KANSAI・OSAKA 21st Century Association / Cyber Kansai Project / Ars Electronica / Centre des arts / Cyberport / Smart City Consortium / Taiwan Design Research Institute / Asia Culture Institute / Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) Tokyo BizCenter
Technical Support
Cyber Kansai Project /
Nissha Printing Communications, Inc.
ISCA Supporter’s Club

Other Festivals
Planning & Management
Superstation, Inc.
ISCA2020 Office (Within the offices of Superstation, Inc.)
E-mail: isca@superstation.co.jp
Superstation, Inc.
Mitsui Bussan Bldg. 2-3-33 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku Osaka 530-0005, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6229-1801 Fax: +81-6-6229-1802