• 2024.07.29
  • Discovering Astana: A Blend of Modernity and Tradition
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Astana for business, and I was captivated by the city's unique blend of modernity and tradition. Known for its futuristic skyline and ambitious development projects, Astana offers a fascinating glimpse into Kazakhstan's vision for the future.
Upon arriving in Astana, the first thing that struck me was the sheer scale and boldness of its architecture. The city's landscape is dominated by innovative structures that seem to defy conventional design, showcasing the ambition and creativity driving its development. The wide avenues and well-planned infrastructure reflect the meticulous planning that has gone into making Astana a symbol of Kazakhstan's progress.
One of the highlights of my visit was exploring some of Astana's most iconic buildings. The Bayterek Tower is perhaps the most famous, symbolizing a mythical tree of life. Standing at 97 meters tall, the observation deck offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the city, allowing visitors to appreciate the architectural diversity from above.
I took some time to explore the city on foot, particularly the picturesque area along the Ishim River. This river elegantly divides Astana into two distinct parts: the old city and the new city, each offering its own unique charm and character.
As I walked along the river, I was immediately struck by the vibrant atmosphere. The riverfront is a popular gathering place for locals and visitors alike, with wide promenades that offer stunning views of the city's skyline. On one side, the historic buildings of the old city tell the story of Astana's past, while on the other, the futuristic structures of the new city showcase its ambitious vision for the future.
The riverfront was alive with activity. Families, couples, and groups of friends strolled along the pathways, enjoying the beautiful weather. Many people were savoring ice cream from the numerous vendors that lined the promenade. The cheerful chatter and laughter of children playing added to the lively ambiance, making it clear that this area is a beloved spot for relaxation and socializing.
One of the most striking aspects of my walk was the sheer number of young people. Astana is a city with a youthful spirit, and this was evident in the energetic groups of teenagers and young adults who gathered along the riverbanks. They were engaged in various activities, from casual conversations and picnics to more organized events like street performances and impromptu sports games. The presence of so many young people gave the area a dynamic and optimistic feel.
As I continued my stroll, I couldn't resist joining the locals in enjoying some of the treats available from the street vendors. The ice cream, in particular, was a popular choice, offering a refreshing respite from the warm weather. The variety of flavors and the quality of the local dairy products made for a delightful experience, further enhanced by the convivial atmosphere.
My visit to Astana was an eye-opening experience. The city's bold architecture, rich cultural scene, and commitment to sustainability make it a fascinating destination. Whether you're there for business or leisure, Astana offers a glimpse into the future of urban development while honoring the traditions and history of Kazakhstan. As I left, I couldn't help but feel inspired by the city's vision and look forward to seeing how Astana continues to evolve in the years to come.


  • Daniiar Bakchiev
  • Jobcivil servant

Nice to meet you.My name is Danier.I am a civil servant.I live in the Kyrgyz Republic.My hobby is reading books. I also like travelling and tasting different foods.Best regards.

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