• 2024.10.10
  • Open-air calligraphy and yoga
There are lots of things I love about Sydney, and one of them is the weather. You probably already know that because Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are opposite to Japan.
August is the middle of summer in Japan, but it’s winter in Australia. Most people think of Australia as being hot, but it’s a huge country and it gets as cold as a Japanese winter in certain areas. Though in Sydney, you’ll have days that you can’t believe it’s actually midwinter, with midday temperatures climbing to 25ºC. The lack of summer heat is actually what makes winter so pleasant, and it’s a great time to be outside. People go for walks, head to the park, go to the beach, or read books in the grass. I love that in Sydney, enjoying the fine weather is a fun activity in itself.
The parks here tend to be beautiful and spacious, too. They have benches and tables set up here and there, making them lovely places to enjoy an outdoor lunch. It’s amazing to have the option to casually enjoy a picnic atmosphere without even having to go anywhere far.
The other day, a yoga instructor friend of mine who lives nearby asked me if I wanted to go do yoga in the park. I sometimes see people doing yoga in the large parks around here and was quite curious about them, so of course I said yes. There’s a beautiful park with a huge lawn just walking distance from where I live, so the ease of being able to combine a walk and yoga was wonderful. We’re totally flexible about it. We just check the weather in the morning and if it’s supposed to be warm, we go do yoga in the park. It’s probably the warm weather here that makes people feel free enough to make laid-back plans like that.
I work as a calligrapher, so I would practice at my home during certain times, make example pieces, or create finished pieces. I ended up being in the house a lot, so I suddenly had the idea of bringing my calligraphy tools with me to a nearby park. People are there eating lunch around midday, so I avoid them by going in the morning or after 2 o’clock in the afternoon when there is more likely to be a bench table open. Of course I pick warm days with great weather. I use Japanese paper, so days without wind are best. When I do my calligraphy outside, all kinds of things can happen. The wind sometimes gusts, the sky will suddenly darken, or people will start practicing soccer right next to me. But it feels amazing to be doing my work under the blue sky in gorgeous surroundings.
When I told my friends about my open-air calligraphy, they begged to join me. They ended up talking to their friends, and their friends talked to their friends… and before I knew it I had a group of everyone from kids to adults.
The area where I live has a lot of Japanese families who are currently living in Sydney, so the Japanese community is strong here. There were a lot of people who missed doing calligraphy or who wanted their kids to experience it. I had planned to go out and do my work alone, but my open-air calligraphy project ended up being hugely popular. My yoga teacher friend even comes by sometimes to do yoga with us, too. When I get tired of writing I’ll do some yoga or lay in the grass—it’s fun to just be free and do whatever I feel.
You may have to plan around the weather sometimes, but if you come to Sydney, I recommend you find a favorite park. It doesn’t have to be one of the well-known parks—there are so many nice ones around. You can do calligraphy or yoga, sing, study, work, or just walk around. It all feels great. Just watch out for the intense sun in the summertime and wear sunscreen so you don’t burn. And don’t forget your sunglasses!


  • Hiroko Fujita
  • JobJapanese Calligrapher

I would like to promote calligraphy, a traditional Japanese culture, abroad, connecting with local people and disseminating a variety of information.

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