I think almost every girl has dreamed at least once in her lifetime to be a princess and perhaps every man has dreamed at least once as a kid to travel in time…Such dreams can come to
life at least once a year when a big 18th century costume party is held here in a luxurious Savoy residence open to everyone for the occasion.Hundreds of people participate at the event dressed as courtesans, musketeers, marquises and princesses with precious jackets, dresses and skirts. They walk in the gardens of the palace or dance on its patio. This is a trip back in time and a big party-event staged in one of the most beautiful Savoy residences located in the area.

Partygoers arrive at the masked ball
The great masked ball is an event for which there is a strictly mandatory dress code and the initiative began back in 2013 and immediately proved to be a winning idea. The spectacular setting, the choice of the music, the enthusiasm of the participants and the accuracy of the details bring back to life the splendor of the eighteenth century and contribute to the success of the night.The initiative is along the lines of the Venetian carnival masks and costumes of the eighteenth century and it also includes original nineteenth century outfits for the professional dancers who perform original choreographies from both centuries. For the occasion dancers from other Italian regions such as Tuscany, Lazio, Marche and Piedmont come together to perform dances such as 17th century’s minuet and the more popular waltz. The Main Hall of the Palace is decorated with flower compositions and crystal chandeliers.
The Main Hall is where most of the action happens
During the evening the organizers of the event auction antique objects for charitable purposes to collect money for local hospitals.A baroque ensemble involves all the guests in vintage line dancing minuets and quadrilles before dinner during the buffet aperitif and until the end of the evening. In order not to arrive unprepared you can subscribe to a free lesson of eighteenth-century dances that is held at the Palace on a Saturday afternoon before the event and that is organized thanks to the historic collaboration with the Savoy Nobility Association which aims to keep noble traditions alive.During the dinner opera singers cheer guests singing for the crowd. Among the organized activities there are eighteenth-century workshops such as the traditional hairstyle and make-up corner or the historical representations.

Musicians play 18th century melodies
This is an evening to return to relive and recall the great dances in the Court’s costumes although it’s not part of the Carnival but rather a celebration of history, elegance and fun. At the sound of bagpipes, violins, clarinets, percussion and accordion, the musicians perform with love and humor some traditional melodies before the night rolls in because at midnight the hall transforms into a dancing club with a DJ playing more modern music.To get a costume for an event of this type may seem complicated, but the organizers have tried to meet their guests’ needs by engaging various theatrical tailors and costumes shops around the region to rent some of the clothes from their assortment and most of these shops also rent out several accessories in line with the theme, such as wigs, hats, fans and cloaks.The partygoers can choose if they want to have a dinner at the buffet while dancing or they can choose to be escorted to one of the closed off rooms of the palace and have a luxurious dinner served there.Although historical representations and historical themed dinner are held all around Italy, I discovered that this event is unique in its kind and for this reason it attracts so many participants every year.I have participated and noted that people of all ages (although it’s not open to children) take part of this night and all have fun.

Minuet and waltz classes are held at the event