This decision is based upon the capacity of the intensive care units reached in that region, the intensity of the contagion, the density of the population and other risk factors in the region in question.
Sadly, Liguria became “orange” on November 11th 2020 (which means upper-intermediate risk) but, in the end, what does it mean to be “orange” and how did our life change transitioning from yellow to orange?
It means that now in Liguria there is a ban on moving from one municipality to another unless for reasons related to your work, for health or necessity.
Work reasons means that we can only move within the limits of our municipality unless we need to commute for work to another municipality or if our work requires us to go elsewhere. Health reasons means that we can move outside the limits of our municipality to go to a pharmacy or go see a doctor or a veterinarian for instance. Necessity reasons may include going to the supermarket or even the hairdresser when these services are not present (or open) in the municipality of residency.
It is possible to visit your relatives: it is strongly discouraged but not prohibited but it’s possible only if you live in the same municipality.
It is still allowed to practice sports and go out for leisure walks but you need to carry with you a document called self-certification, a sort of form you can print out from a government website and that you must fill out with your personal information, you address and other information and state the reasons why you are outside your home at the given time. I know it sounds harsh and it is hard to live this way.
It is possible to practice sports and go jogging or biking in parks or green areas but it is forbidden to run or exercise in urban areas such as in the streets and in the public squares of the old towns and the city centers.
It is possible to be outside from 5 am to 10 pm, respecting the national curfew which starts at 10 pm every night.
Only one member per family can go food shopping in the shops and at the markets to avoid crowding the shops.
It is of course still mandatory to wear the mask both indoors and outdoors too and it is mandatory (although considered a bit risky for the skin) to sanitize your hands with sanitizing gel upon entering each shop or shopping mall. Temperature scanners are at the entrance of the malls and it is mandatory to measure your temperature before entering in fact there is a security guard checking that people comply.

Temperature scanner and hand sanitizer at the entrance of a mall
Some shopping malls even have a sort of traffic light to control the flow of traffic of people: with the green light you can enter, with the red the mall is too crowded and you must wait outside for your turn.
Some shops require you to take a number to enter the shop and if no number is available it means there are no spaces available inside so you must wait for your turn outside.

Traffic light for the flow of traffic of the people entering the mall
The biggest difference transitioning from yellow to orange is that the bars, cafés and restaurants must close for both lunch and dinner so the restaurant and bar owners are in big trouble.
The restaurants are now organizing themselves to do deliveries and take-out service and the cafés are ordering to-go paper cups (which are a rarity here in Italy) to do take-out coffees which is not a ‘thing’ here in Italy but which could become one during these new hard times for all.