• U.S.A New Haven
  • REPORTERRubin Cynthia Beth

Cynthia Beth Rubin is a new media artist based in New Haven, CT USA, with a studio practice extending from New York City to Narragansett, Rhode Island. Working with still imagery, video, and Augmented Reality, Rubin’s current work focuses on revealing the unseen microscopic life in our waters. Rubin writes bringing awareness of this hidden life to the urban setting, where layers of culture intertwine with the visible environment but rarely with the invisible, is one of the imperatives of our time. The challenge is how do we engage the public in a narrative that includes a true artistic dialogue?

  • U.S.A New Haven
  • Rubin Cynthia Beth
  • 2015.05.20
  • Cafe Culture
  • Coffee and Conversation have long been the American mix that brings people together and builds Community.  Coffee is a metaphor.  When people say “let’s meet for coffee sometime” they do not actually mean coffee, they mean “let’s meet and talk and keep it informal”.   They may or may not drink coffee.  They may drink tea or fruit juice, or they even eat lunch.  
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  • U.S.A New Haven
  • Rubin Cynthia Beth
  • 2015.04.23
  • On the Train again
  • Grand Central station in New York City is an international landmark, known to many for the great scenes from movies, the details in tourist guides, and the many pictures ranging from spontaneous demonstrations to historical documentation.For those of us who live within close proximity of New York City, it is also our functional gateway to the city.  It is the comfortable and spacious space that welcomes us as we arrive and depart, offering a smooth transition from the smaller city life to the head-on face-pace of the city.
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