Domestic Video
Content Category -
Digital Content Category
(Japan Domestic Only) -
International Video
Content Category
【 International Video Content Category 】
Award Timeline / Prizes / Entry Requirements /
ISCA2020 Entry Form / Entry Rules / CONTACT US
Award Timeline

Award Ceremony
- Screenings and Displays of the Winning Works -
Friday 4th・Saturday 5th of December 2020
EVENT Lab. at Knowledge Capital in Grand Front Osaka North Bldg.
- ・Screening of the winning works of Japan Domestic and International Video Content Category
- ・Displays of the winning works of Japan Domestic Digital Content Category
- ・Announcement of award winners and Awarding ceremony
- ・Panel sessions and special performance by well-known creators
- ※The reception for the winning entry creators, judges, and other persons involved will be held. The winning entry creators (one person per entry) will be requested to attend the award ceremony. In case of produced the film by the group, only the representative of the group will be invited to the ceremony.
Prizes for International Video
Content Category
Grand Prize | 1 awarded ¥300,000 and a trophy |
1st Prize | 2 awarded ¥100,000 and a trophy |
2nd Prize | 3 awarded Miscellaneous prizes and a trophy |
Entry Requirements and Production Period
- ・The contest is open to university, graduate school, junior college, and vocational college students.
- ・The period for producing entries is from January 1th, 2019 to September 7th, 2020.
- ・An original work that is highly artistic and entertaining
- ・A distinguished work with uniqueness, novelty and new methodology in its expression.
Genre | Free |
Form | Live-action, Animation, computer graphics, or other moving image content |
Running time | MAX. 20 min. per entry |
Format |
File size | MAX. 2GB |
By applying, you shall be deemed to have consented and agreed to the following items.
- ① All entries have to be original.
② All entries must not violate copyrights, portrait rights, trademark rights and anyone’s privacy.
The sponsor assumes no responsibility when a 3rd party claims infringement or damages. *Please click here for copyright handling. - ③ All entries must not violate public order and morals.
- ④ Submitted entries will not be returned. While care will be exercised in the handling and storage of the submitted entries, the sponsor will not be held liable for any damage resulting from unforeseen circumstances, etc. (When submitting an entry, it is recommended that the entrant creator(s) keep a copy in the unlikely event the entry is lost or damaged.)
- ⑤ The sponsor will be authorized to use the nominated entries and the winning entries as follows;
- ・Winning entries will be shown on ISCA2020 (INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CREATIVE AWARD 2020) award screening hosted by Knowledge Capital.
- ・Winning entries will be shown on signage within Grand Front Osaka.
- ・Usage of the work at events of which Knowledge Capital sponsors, co-sponsors or related both inside and outside of Japan.
- ・Anthology DVD (One DVD for use as teaching materials will be provided free of charge to each school submitting an entry.)
- ・Winning entries will be shown on the official ISCA2020 website using the YouTube server, as well as on the official SNS of Knowledge Capital.
- ・Winning entries will be used as advertising in the sponsor’s broadcasts, for distribution purposes, screenings, printed materials, etc., and also for announcement of next year’s contest.
- > Regarding the above use of the entries, portions of the entries may be captured and edited for use as still images or as a digest version.
- >Any use of entries other than described above will be confirmed beforehand with the creators.
Entry Submission Procedure
Please follow the steps to submit your entry.
Fill all your personal information in Entry Form.
Submit your movie after uploading completion.
※ must be submitted in a format "mp4" within 2GB

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Entry Rules
- 【1】 Although it is permitted to submit an entry that will be submitted or has already been submitted to another contest or event, the entrant creator(s) must consent to the uses of the entries and there must be no conflict regarding multiple submission of the entry. (Provide detailed information on any multiple submissions, including the name of the other contest(s), dates held, and the results announced.)
- 【2】Once any infringement is found out after the award, the sponsor can deprive the prize and can order to return the prize money.
- 【3】Please refrain from making inquiries regarding the judging.
Request for copyright handling
If the entry contains sounds or images owned by a third party (includes free materials), cite the permissions in the Entry Description Sheet by attaching the copies. In case of using license free material, cite the URL of its website and mention about it.
Please check all materials such as video, audio, music, photographs, designs, etc. used in the work.

Organizing Office of ISCA2020(INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CREATIVE AWARD 2020) Sponsored by Knowledge Capital Association
Within the offices of Superstation, Inc.
Yuriko Masuda(Ms.)
E-mail: isca@superstation.co.jp
Superstation, Inc.
Mitsui Bussan Bldg. 2-3-33 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku Osaka 530-0005, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6229-1801 / Fax: +81-6-6229-1802
* Please refrain from making inquiries regarding the judging.
* All personal information obtained through entry submission will be handled in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. No personal information obtained will be used for any purpose other than matters relating to the holding of the ISCA2020 (INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CREATIVE AWARD2020). About Handling of Personal Information by Knowledge Capital Association Please find https://kc-i.jp/en/about/privacy/
ISCA2020 Office (Within the offices of Superstation, Inc.)
E-mail: isca@superstation.co.jp
Superstation, Inc.
Mitsui Bussan Bldg. 2-3-33 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku Osaka 530-0005, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6229-1801 Fax: +81-6-6229-1802