• 2024.10.01
  • Traveler’s Notes: In the Heart of Mountainous Countries and Among Their Peoples
Traveling through mountain countries is not just a journey; it's an immersion into a different world where every twist of the path, every peak and valley, holds ancient stories and secrets. These lands, with their towering giants reaching for the sky, are inhabited by people whose lives are deeply intertwined with the mountains surrounding them. Every step among these natural titans is a reminder of how small we are compared to their grandeur, but also of how great we can be in spirit if we manage to conquer them.

Nepal: On the Roof of the World
My journey began in Nepal, a country where the mountains seem to draw closer to the heavens and people closer to themselves. The Himalayas, the world’s highest mountains, dominate the landscape. Every dawn greets you with the sight of snow-capped peaks catching the first rays of sunlight. The Nepalese, a people whose lives are closely bound to these mountains, embody wisdom and humility. They live in harmony with these giants, fully aware that the mountains can be both generous and unforgiving. Whether in the bustling streets of Kathmandu or the serene mountain villages, there is an incredible sense of spirituality—after all, here, at the foot of Everest, lies not just the soul of Nepal, but perhaps the soul of the world itself.

Switzerland: Alpine Symphony
Next, my path led me through Switzerland—a country where every mountain peak seems sculpted by a master’s hand, where green meadows and deep lakes create a landscape filled with peace and harmony. The Swiss take great pride in their Alps, and rightly so—these mountains are the heart of their country, its symbol and soul. The people of the mountain villages, despite their calm exterior, possess inner strength and discipline, reflected in their way of life. Hard work and perseverance help them preserve and pass on their traditions from generation to generation. In these mountains, there’s a sense of safety and stability, where every trail leads to new discoveries and stunning vistas.

Peru: Secrets of the Andes
Peru, with its majestic Andes, revealed a different world to me—a world of ancient civilizations and mystical beliefs. Climbing Machu Picchu, I could feel the breath of history, as if these stones had stories of centuries to tell. The Andean peoples live in perfect symbiosis with nature, preserving the traditions of their ancestors as a vital inheritance. They work on steep terraces just as they did hundreds of years ago; their songs and dances reflect a deep connection with the mountains, and their rhythm of life is synchronized with the cycles of nature. Looking at the Andes, you realize these mountains are not just part of the landscape—they are the foundation of an entire people’s culture and history.

Caucasus: Eternal Fortress
The Caucasus Mountains greet you with a certain harshness but also with fairness. Here, every stone holds the memory of battles and heroics, and every stream is filled with legends and tales. The people here are proud and independent, their lives deeply connected to nature and family traditions. The people of the Caucasus know how to value the moment, living with respect for their roots, preserving unique customs and celebrations. In every village, whether in the mountains of Dagestan or on the steep slopes of Georgia, you feel a special atmosphere of unity with the land and ancestors. The mountains here are both protectors and challengers, teachers that provide lessons in resilience and courage.

Kyrgyzstan: Land of the Sky and Nomads
In the heart of Central Asia lies Kyrgyzstan, a country where the mountains of the Tian Shan stretch out to the horizon. Here, among the green pastures and snow-capped peaks, nomads have lived for centuries, following ancient traditions. The yurts scattered at the foot of the mountains seem to symbolize an eternal journey—not just physical but also spiritual. The Kyrgyz people, free in spirit, live in harmony with nature, attuned to its rhythms and following its guidance. In this land, the mountains are not just a backdrop, but a part of life, a reflection of independence and strength, a longing for freedom and unity with the earth.

Bhutan: The Kingdom of Happiness
In Bhutan, nestled among the Himalayas, the mountains are sacred temples, and life here flows in harmony with the rhythms of nature. The Bhutanese people, who have made happiness a state policy, live in balance with the world around them, preserving a deep respect for traditions and nature. Here, the mountains serve not only as protectors from the outside world but also as sources of spiritual strength and inspiration. In every monastery, on every trail, you feel the presence of something grand and eternal, something that nourishes and inspires the Bhutanese on their path to happiness and spiritual enlightenment.

Afghanistan: The Forgotten Mountains
In Afghanistan, among its harsh and majestic mountains, people live in constant struggle with both nature and fate. These mountains have witnessed many wars and suffering, yet they also preserve the strength and resilience of their inhabitants. The Afghan mountain people, accustomed to difficult conditions, know the value of peace and tranquility. In their eyes, you can read the history of a people who have defended their land and culture for centuries. The mountain tribes of Afghanistan live in a world where traditions and the laws of their ancestors matter more than anything else, where every morning begins with prayer and gratitude for another day of life.

Antarctica: Mountains of Ice and Eternal Winter
I ended my journey in a land where mountains are not made of rock but of vast ice masses. Antarctica, the farthest edge of our world, greets travelers with a harsh and mesmerizing beauty. Here, among eternal ice and cold, the mountains seem to symbolize eternity and steadfastness. Antarctica reminds us of how little we know about our world, how much there is still to discover and understand. In this place, where there are no permanent inhabitants, every stone, every glacier holds the secrets of ancient epochs and unknown forces of nature.

My journey through the mountainous countries has come to an end, but the memories of them will remain in my heart forever. These lands, where mountains reign over all living things, teach us to respect nature and appreciate the simplicity of life. The mountain peoples, despite all the difficulties and challenges, remain true to their traditions and find strength and inspiration in the grandeur of their mountains. As long as these peaks stand, so too will their inhabitants, sharing their unique cultures and ancient knowledge with those who dare to venture into these harsh but beautiful places.


  • Daniiar Bakchiev
  • Jobcivil servant

Nice to meet you.My name is Danier.I am a civil servant.I live in the Kyrgyz Republic.My hobby is reading books. I also like travelling and tasting different foods.Best regards.

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