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December 31: 18:00 Closed
Closed: January 1
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  • 2020.02.13
  • Let’s all play cricket!
Cricket is a sport of Anglo-Saxon origin dating back to the 14th century when it started being practiced in the south of England by the then emerging bourgeois class.
It then found a huge spread in Asia especially thanks to four countries in the sub-continent: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Cricket sees two teams of eleven players confront each other.
Cricket is a “unique” game.
To play cricket it is not enough to follow the rules that organize the different phases of the game, but it must be practiced respecting the spirit of the game.
It is the second most practiced sport in the world because it is not just a sport.
In some areas of South Asia it is practically a religion.
On the cricket ground there is no room for violence, it is not allowed to insult the umpire nor to laugh at your opponents, on the contrary, if the opponent makes a noteworthy technical gesture it must be supported.
It is a special sport that combines technique and competitivity, resistance and talent, elegance and wit. It is a team sport practiced with a bat, a ball and glove and it closely resembles US baseball.
It is preferably played outdoors but it can also be played indoors, better if on a grass field, whether artificial or natural, mostly oval or rectangular, often larger than a football field.
There are no binding references on the size of the field, generally the available space is maximized.
In the centre of the field there is a lane about 20 meters long and 2 meters wide.
At the two ends of the lane there are three stakes that form a small door.
Two fractions of the game are played (called innings).
During each inning, the eleven players of a batting team that are eliminated as they are replaced from time to time by their teammates, until the tenth hitter is eliminated; the 11 opponents, however, launch and defend the field.
After the interval the teams resume the game with reversed roles.
The aim of the game is to make sure that a team scores as many points as possible and is not eliminated when it is at bat and whoever scores the most points wins.
The bat, or wicket, consists of three wooden stumps (the vertical stakes) inserted in a row in the ground for a total width of about 23 cm and a height of 71 cm, above which the two wooden crosspieces are placed.
Cricket is also an important sport in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe and the English-speaking Caribbean islands (like the British West Indies).
The origins of cricket are unknown even though it seems certain that games similar to current cricket were played in south-east England as early as the 14th century, imported into that region by Flemish shepherds.
There are many theories about the origin of the name cricket.
It could derive from the Flemish word ‘krick cane,’ testifying to the cultural and economic exchanges between south east England and Flanders. During the 1600s numerous sources testify to the growth in the practice of this game in the south east of England and at the end of the century the first games with organized teams are already recorded. In the 1700s the game developed to become the English national sport and as such it spread throughout the British colonial empire.
The longest official match was played in 1939 and it apparently lasted ten days and ended in a draw between England and South Africa, just because the British had to embark and go home.
Cricket goes beyond purely being a sport also because it has become an integral part of the English language, so much so that it is said: “I’ve been cricket to you” to define the extreme loyalty shown towards a person and, vice versa, it is said: "it’s not cricket”, to complain about a lack.
It is in perpetual balance between style, behaviour and play, so much so as to also tickle the typically British sense of humour.

cricket at the park


  • GianFranco Belloli
  • Jobblogger/musician

I moved to London over 2 years ago but only last year I started writing for a local newsletter for Expats in London telling about my experience in this big city and giving advice to newcomers. London is a very dynamic city and has a lot for everyone but it’s important to have a local point of view to navigate it without getting lost. Let me be your guide to hidden London!

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