This amazing place welcomes visitors from all over the world for a wide range of events including business meetings, gala dinners and fundraising events and it offers state-of-the-art conference facilities and a professional staff of event organizers (I know this because my work has organized a meeting at this fantastic location).
Dynamic Earth is also open to the public when there are no events scheduled and it’s a fantastic interactive display aimed at teaching us more about the planet we live on and the changes it’s undergoing.
I believe it’s important to visit it, especially during a time of climatic changes like the ones we are experiencing now worldwide.

Probably with the aim to appeal to a younger crowd, the exhibition has chosen to be located in a futuristic building near the Royal Mile, its theme is the geography and geology of the world with many interactive displays.
Dynamic Earth invites you to a journey back in time and space of over 15,000 million years.
The place wishes to celebrate one of the most influential Scottish thinkers of all time, James Hutton, a Scotsman who began to study geology not far away from Arthur's seat (Edinburgh’s hill) and the father of modern geology. He virtually becomes your guide through the ages in these exhibits.
Dynamic Earth is an attraction which becomes the place where science and entertainment meet and abound to the delight young and old and it was built in 1999 to renew the Canongate area surrounding the place.
Inside its modern building you can discover the origin of the universe, learn more about geology and the origin of earthquakes, you can find some notions of biology and be entertained through interactive tours and 3D movies.
In addition to the interactive displays there is in fact a number of cutting-edge 360° 3D films presented in the ShowDome.
It is a journey of discovering of our planet which takes you back in time to witness the Big Bang or allows you to be caught in a volcanic eruption.
I believe this exhibition can easily appeal to children of all ages so if you are young at heart and curious is the perfect place to visit.
This is the only place (at least that I know of) where you can fly over glaciers, dive deep in the ocean and even find yourself in the middle of a tropical storm.
When you fly over the glaciers and the cold and dramatic landscapes of Scotland and Norway you can learn how the glaciers carved the surface of our planet before the dinosaurs got extinct.

In the rainforest exhibit you arrive at the edge of a rainforest and come face to face with the fauna and flora of the forest habitat and its tropical torrential rains.
The exhibition is the most interactive I have ever seen and you can actually feel the movement of the earth when a volcano explodes beneath your feet just like you can really feel the coldness of the polar ice before embarking on a 4D adventure around the globe.
Highlights of the route are the earthquake simulator, a time machine with cool special effects on a big screen and the floors that are shaking so you can realize the strength of such natural phenomenon. In the polar region, there is also a huge block of ice that wishes to represent an iceberg so you can touch it and feel its coldness.

The exhibition also has a special section to discover the Scottish heritage in a new outdoor gallery called Earthscape Scotland.
Other guides through the journey are the Scottish Lords, geology-savvy pioneers who celebrate their findings through the latest technologies.
By using the Time Machine you can go back millions of years back to the origin of our planet Earth.
My favourite exhibit was perhaps the ‘How It All Started’, where you can climb aboard a spaceship to witness the birth of millions of stars in our solar system and learn something more about astronomy.
Dynamic Earth also made a commitment to promoting the sustainability of our environment by embracing renewable energy and explaining sustainable forms of living. The entire outdoor section of the place is dedicated to this theme and in the garden area you can visit some self-sufficient buildings and yurts relying exclusively on renewable forms of energy of the latest generation.