Although I live in Canada, I got stuck in the UK like thousands of other people around the world who were traveling for pleasure or for work when this Coronavirus situation got out of hand.
At the moment I cannot leave because of the imposed quarantine which happened almost overnight here in the United Kingdom following the necessary example of other European countries.
I’m more precisely in Scotland where I was living before moving to Canada and, luckily, I was able to get hosted by a friend who has a big house and, even more luckily, I can work remotely using my laptop, at least for the time being.
I must admit I’m a bit afraid of living in the UK at the moment. I’m obviously afraid of the virus first of all, but the virus is almost in every country of the world now…mostly, I’m afraid of the carelessness with which the British people are facing the emergency.
Having Italian origins and being in touch with my friends and family back in Italy (where the number of sick people and fatalities is extremely high), I realised early during the contagion the importance of staying indoor if you are in a country with many cases of Coronavirus and so I did.
Luckily, it is easy here to have your groceries delivered to your door and it is also possible to get medications and other supplies delivered if needed.
My friend and I decided to stay at home for mutual respect and since we both work from home we don’t get on each other’s way too much.
Great Britain was one of the last countries in Europe to adopt stringent measures to deal with the emergency, despite the number of infected people increasing, so much so that the UK has also the first prime minister, Boris Johnson, affected by the virus and currently in intensive care.
Everything is changing silently here but there is a lot of ignorance on the streets, not everybody understands the seriousness of this medical emergency, some people even still believe it’s a conspiracy of some sort although no country is benefitting from this emergency.
Some people who are still working in some offices are telling me that not everyone is careful in maintaining a high level of hygiene but they rather offer only sanitizing gel and instructions on how to wash your hands without checking if people effectively follow the rules and the respect the social distancing recommended by the W.H.O.
My friend felt sick during the week and we got scared…he measured his temperature and on Thursday evening he decided to call the National Health Service Emergency Number.
They asked him many questions regarding his symptoms, they anticipated that he later would be contacted by a call centre. After a few hours they called him and they advised him not to go to the hospital but they reassured him that his symptoms were not very compatible with those of the virus.
I have heard that hospitals are not doing too well, homeless people coming and going to go to the bathroom or to sleep in the waiting rooms since many shelters have closed down, especially at night time, and some people with mental disabilities left alone waiting to be visited it seems.
For now the recommendation is to stay at home and avoid going out except for emergencies or if you need food.
There are no exceptions for couples who do not live in the same house and the guidelines in Britain explicitly point out that it is not allowed to be within two meters of people who are not part of your family unless they live with you as housemates.
British health experts have pointed out that couples who live far away should continue to remain apart.
Only a few exceptions are contemplated, among which it is possible to mention the movements of minors under the age of eighteen if they are children of parents separated and living in different houses.
An invitation to citizens is to use common sense mostly.
We are waiting to see if the mathematicians calculations are telling us the truth and if staying indoors is helping lowering the cases and bringing solutions.